Machining and Manufacturing
Grand Prairie, TX
Grand Prairie, TX
Students will be prepared to qualify for credentials from the National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS)
The Lone Star State is projected to add more than 11,000 skilled Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Machinists by 20301. Nationwide, more than 147,000 machinist positions will need to be filled by 2031 to help rebuild America's manufacturing economy1.
The future of American manufacturing is computerized and driven by qualified CNC operators. Enroll now for CNC Machining and Manufacturing training at Lincoln Tech, and start to build a better future by learning to build components for everything from cars, trucks and airplanes to artificial joints and electronics.
CNC Machining and Manufacturing Technology training provides technical, hands-on training on CNC machines from global leader Haas Automation, Inc. These are the same kinds of machines at work in clean, safe, comfortable factories around the country, creating parts for the auto, aerospace, military, agriculture, and healthcare industries.
Skills Acquired at Our Grand Prairie, TX CNC Machining School
- Study Computer-Aided-Design (CAD) and Computer-Aided-Manufacturing (CAM) through specialized software programs.
- Learn to program the computers controlling 21st-century manufacturing equipment.
- Practice reading blueprints and working with industry-standard software to direct tool paths.
- Prepare to qualify for credentials from the National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS) in the areas of job planning, bench work, milling, CNC Turning, and more.
Manufacturing companies across the Southwest can count on Lincoln Tech’s Grand Prairie campus to fill their need for qualified CNC Machinists. Twenty-first century manufacturing is redefining what it means to be “Made in America” – get on the front lines of this exciting high-tech career field. The following career training program is currently available at Lincoln Tech’s Grand Prairie, TX school:
CNC Machining and Manufacturing Technology (View Course Descriptions)
Campus Address
Lincoln College of Technology
2915 Alouette Drive
Grand Prairie, TX 75052
United States
Need Help?
Lincoln representatives are always ready and happy to assist you. Our advisors are available seven days a week to help you reach your career goals!
1 National Center for O*NET Development. Texas Employment Trends: 51-9161.00 - Computer Numerically Controlled Tool Operators. O*NET OnLine. Retrieved July 18, 2023, from https://www.onetonline.org/link/localtrends/51-9161.00?st=TX&g=Go
Please note: At this time Lincoln College of Technology, Grand Prairie does not accept Applicants or Enrollees who reside in Oklahoma.
Important outcomes information about students who attended Lincoln Tech can be found at: