Net Price Calculator
Please read. By clicking below, I acknowledge that the estimate provided using this calculator does not represent a final determination, or actual award, of financial assistance, or a final net price; it is an estimate based on price of attendance and financial aid provided to students in the 2022-2023 academic year.
This calculator is supplied to us by the U.S. Department of Education, and currently estimates the price of attendance and financial aid availability for the most popular program at the Lincoln Tech campus selected. Prices are subject to change every academic year. To see the tuition and fee breakdown of all programs offered at Lincoln Tech, please visit our Tuition and Fees page.
The estimates shall not be binding on the Secretary of Education, the institution of higher education, or the State. Students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) in order to be eligible for, and receive, an actual financial aid award that includes Federal grant, loan, or work-study assistance. For more information on applying for Federal student aid, go to https://studentaid.gov/.
Select a campus from the drop-down list below and click the 'Continue' button to start the Net Price Calculator.